Recently we tried to “boost” a post our the FaceBook page but ut was rejected for “because it mentions politicians or is about sensitive social issues that could influence public opinion, how people vote and may impact the outcome of an election or pending legislation.”
(This was the exact quote from FaceBook as their reason for rejecting it)
Below is the ad.
Our hearts ache at the number of LEO heroes who’ve been killed in the line of duty this past week. We are trying to insure we can provide assistance to the families of these heroes. Please consider joining our GotUr6 Blue line monthly gift. 100% of all the money raised goes to the families of these heroes! 100%!!
Go to to join or for a one time donation!
We don’t see any of the issues listed above in the ad.
We would appreciate it greatly if you’d go to our page and share it with your friends and ask them to share it with their friends. Our prayer is that by doing this, we will spread the word via a grass roots effort.
Thank you! God Bless!